However, this set of resolutions is different. My resolutions are more a celebration of the past year being behind me, with a new one right on the horizon. Of course, I still have those standard resolutions that most people have, because 2009 became a year of excess...eating, going out and drinking, other things...I want to hit the reset button on my life and enjoy the coming year as much as possible, because I can feel in my bones that it's going to be a darn good one.
* I resolve to cook more delicious meals--every time I make something delicious, I'm happier all-around. I love the process of cooking, I love tasting what I've made, and my wallet likes grocery stores more than restaurants. And I like showing off.
* I resolve to make my UK trip before the end of 2009. For being a self-proclaimed Anglophile, it's tragic that I've never been to the land of Jane Austen, Henry Cavill, and Radiohead.
* I resolve to replace Tuesday night trivia with Tuesday night yoga. This is also because yoga would have me back home in time for Lost and trivia wouldn't.
* I resolve to see my family more. Driving home on Christmas Eve, I realized I hadn't been back to old Matthews, NC in six months. Six months! I am an awful daughter. My parents supported me when I was neck-deep in self-pity and sniffling and then I pull a half-year disappearing act. Not going to happen again.
* I resolve to thoroughly embarrass my sister. She turns 16 this year, so all those boys who have been waiting in the wings to take her out may finally have their chance. And I resolve to be there with awkward questions and bad jokes. Who says my Dad should get to have all the fun?
Also on the resolutions list:
* Take more pictures.
* Make a Chicago trip.
* Finish the pile of books in my room before buying more.
What about you, my three readers in Internetland? Do you have any resolutions to share?
Edited to add a song for the New Year. This song gives me goosebumps and makes me dance:
The Very Best - Yalira by user2508181