Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

I was lucky enough to catch the encore of the premiere episode of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on HBO. I haven't read any of the books (which seem to have a huge following around the world) but I think I'm hooked on this miniseries. Jill Scott is the lead, starring as Precious Ramotswe, and Anthony Minghella (The English Patient, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Cold Mountain) directed--this was his last project before his death last year. After Precious's father's death, she uses her inheritance to take her future in her own hands. She leaves behind an abusive ex-husband and heads for Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. There, she sets up her detective agency (she's number one because there are no other female detectives in her country). She uses her skills to help people, making friends along the way.

The show's storyline is entertaining and everything is so colorful:

All the music in the show is incredible, too.

I highly recommend that you check this out!

Monday, March 30, 2009

New York, I Love You

I was thrilled with Paris, je t'aime and I'm so excited that they're doing another one about New York. These types of films capture so much within each vignette...I love how the city becomes more than a setting, but an actual character, bringing out different traits within all the people in the stories. The films are love stories about a place, as well as about people. Being in a big city can also create similar emotions to being within a relationship: loneliness, excitement, sadness, frustration, confusion, fascination, passion.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Things I Love Right Now

My pupcicle, Maya:

My new glasses from Ikea:

My new morning routine:
* wake up and feel the open window breezes
* invite Maya to jump on the bed and lounge
* read a chapter or two of my book
* go downstairs and water my herbs (rosemary, basil, thyme, dill, cilantro, oh my!)
* dance around to vh1's Jump Start
* dash upstairs to get ready for the day because I've managed to procrastinate so much
* call my mom and talk to her the whole way to work

My soon-to-be computer:

After all, what day of the week has more possibility than Friday? You've spent countless moments throughout the day staring out of office windows, wondering where you'll be at this time tomorrow on your weekend adventures, and best of all, it's so close you can almost taste it.

My new, flirty lil top:

What do you love right now?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Inside all of us is...


Inside all of us is a WILD THING.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Dance!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Modern Love.

I love The New York Times' "Modern Love" columns. Combined, the columns show love exactly as it is: heartbreaking, complex, humorous, confusing and overall something that inspires us, weighs on us, pushes us, frightens us and thrills us to our very cores.

Anyone else read this and have a particular favorite?

My co-worker brought in her new puppy today. Her name is Delilah.

This is her head on my shoulder:

This is how big she is compared to a can of root beer:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Two Lovahs.

I should have posted this yesterday. While The 4th day of the work week is known as Thursday to most people, it is probably now considered Goop-day by all of those, like myself, who get Queen Gwyn's weekly newsletters. I always check my email more frequently on Goop-days, eagerly anticipating the delightful nugget of knowledge Ms. Paltrow will surely impart upon us. This week's was all about making healthful food appealing to children. This is especially important knowledge for the days when my inner child throws a tantrum about the meal I've planned. Now I know how to make seitan so appealing that even my bratty inner self will enjoy the meal my grown-up self has made! Hurrah!

Anyway, i'm really looking forward to the film she and rap superstar Joaquin Phoenix (BYE!GOOD) have made.

Watch this, and then come with me to the movies when it comes out!

The French subtitles were just to make the film even more superior.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are.

Spike Jonze is a genius.

I will leave my favorite work of his as proof:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some things in my head today.

"Full Moon"
She was wearing the coral taffeta trousers
Some one had brought her from Ispahan
And the little gold coat with pomegranate blossoms,
And the coral hafted feather fan:
As she ran down a Kentish lane in the moonlight,
And skipped in the pool of the moon as she ran.

She cared not a rap for all the big planets,
For Betelgeuse or Aldebaran
And all the big planets cared nothing for her
That small impertinent charlatan,
But she climbed on a Kentish stile in the moonlight
And laughed at the sky through the sticks of her fan.

~Vita Sackville-West

Thank you. That is all. (For now.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What I'm looking forward to for summer.

Tanned skin, sea-salted hair, a spot on a sunny patio and a table full of smiling faces. (And Maya napping under the table, of course).

Here are some songs that will set my summer mood:

Monday, March 16, 2009


If I could make a film my motto--this would be the one.

On this past dreary, rainy, under-the-covers kind of weekend, this movie made me smile from ear to ear. I think this is the only movie I have watched twice before sending back to Netflixland.

Here's the trailer:

Basically, Poppy, a 30-year-old primary school teacher, gets her bike stolen. This prompts her to take driving lessons. Her instructor happens to be a less easy-going indivdual and awkward hilarity ensues. You also get to take a peek into her joyful, colorful life and, if you're like me, you'll wish by the end that you had her as a friend (even though she can be a little bizarre and over-talkative--it's just part of her charm).

What I love about this movie is that it came out during this building economic/financial crisis. People are worried. Worried about jobs, money, political relations. Extra-worried, in fact. All of this is on top of the usual financial/personal/future worries that people have. When this movie came out, I think some people were offended that such fluff could be made when there are so many more serious topics that abound. Instead, I find it to be exactly what I, personally, needed. At the beginning of the film, Poppy doesn't have a ton of money, a glamorous career or a charming romance. But she does have a curiosity about life (She takes classes in trampolining and flamenco), a deep love for her friends and a unique and sparkling personality that pulls her through tough spots that other people would be more depressed about. She is another little symbol of hope in a dark cultural time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I got the scoop on a new jewelry website, Charm & Chain, (thanks AGAIN, Daily Candy) and I've waited a few days to talk about it because, well...every time I go on the site I start hyperventilating with desire, lust, envy and so many more emotions that I have to quickly X off the screen before I freak out entirely.

However, I've managed to pull myself together enough to try to share some of my favorites. I just can't believe how many gorgeous accessories exist on this earth. If only I had more funds (and more appendages to drape these beauties on).

Here are some of my faves.

Necklaces - by waitforthesignal on Polyvore.com

Bracelets - by waitforthesignal on Polyvore.com

Earrings - by waitforthesignal on Polyvore.com

Rings - by waitforthesignal on Polyvore.com

You can click on the Polyvore set links to find out more about prices, details, etc. or you can just head straight to the website yourself and start drooling about your own favorites!

Charm & Chain

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Have you met Tim Walker?

I just want to live in his photographs because who wouldn't want to live in a fairy tale?

All images from ThomasTreuhoft.com (also the site of much, much more of his work!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have a gift for you.

It's bittersweet. It's sharp and soft, husky and strong, smoky and sometimes shrill. It crawls into your eardrums and sneaks its way into your imagination.

So, there's this band, Patrick Watson. The band is named after their lead singer. I actually posted a song that Patrick Watson (the lead singer, not the whole band) performed with Cinematic Orchestra, but I never dug deeper into the music of Patrick Watson (the band, not just the singer) until now. Their sound and lyrics really creep me out because some of their words are frighteningly relevant to my recent past*, my present and maybe one day my future.

Also, they have really cool music videos. Let me share:

"Luscious Life"

*"The Great Escape"

"The Storm"


He sounds so much like Jeff Buckley sometimes. It freaks me out a bit.

Also, if you've already heard him, I envy you. I wish I'd listened sooner.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Like a bird in a cage...

I love this whole bird cage trend in design lately. How cute would any of these things be tucked into a corner of your favorite room?

Bird Cages
Bird Cages - by waitforthesignal on Polyvore.com

Friday, March 6, 2009


I feel like I'm falling in love with the world again. Spring does that to you--the fresh air fills up the corners of your lungs, it whooshes the cobwebs out of your heart and begs you to make a fresh start. Wow. How Hallmark do I sound?

I saw a painting that really inspired me, and since it's basically just layers of circles in a simple color scheme, I think I may be able to pull off a half-decent replica. I'll post pictures on my blog eventually, if they're any good.

Also, I'm thinking of checking out the Leifsdottir Trunk Show at Gwynn's tomorrow. Here are some of the looks I'll hope to see:

(I love the print of her top and the dress below this photo!)

(Look at the detail on the redhead's skirt--I love structure!)

Check out the rest of their Spring 2009 collection here and their Fall 2009 collection here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kelly Wearstler for SFERRA.

Thanks to trusty Daily Candy, I was informed that Kelly Wearstler has a line of home products coming out through SFERRA at the end of April.

Her products are a bit out of my price range (the pillow below is $595), don't expect to see them in my house anytime soon, but, hey, a girl can dream!

Here are some of my faves:

Ribbon Pillow

Diamond Throw

Thistle Table Linens

All images from KellyWearstlerForSFERRA.com

And while I'm thinking about it, I still need Kelly's latest book (not for long...she has a yet-untitled book coming out this year):

Image from HarperCollins.com

And don't even get me started on her outfits. No...I just need to share:

I love the frizzed-out hair with the sequined beret on top. She can do anything she wants.

Oh, and did I mention that she's from Myrtle Beach and she used to be in Playboy (according to Wikipedia, she was Playmate of the Month in September 1994)?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"The Thing Is..."

"The Thing Is"

to love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it
and everything you've held dear
crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it.
when grief sits with you, its tropical heat
thickening the air, heavy as water
more fit for gills than lungs;
when grief weights you like your own flesh
only more of it, an obesity of grief,
you think, How can a body withstand this?
Then you hold life like a face
between your palms, a plain face,
no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you again.

~Ellen Bass

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just When You Feel Down and Out...

...you see something like this:

This was shot for Vanity Fair's April 2009 "Comedy's New Legends" feature.

The photo is obviously spoofing the infamous Tom Ford/Kiera Knightley/Scarlett Johansson Vanity Fair cover from a few years ago:

I think we can all agree which is the more provocative cover (the top, totally).