On Sunday, we made a meal that I think was perfectly autumnal.
I forgot to take a picture, but imagine the bright yellow of this Bouillabaisse

filled almost to the brim with creamy orange of the butternut squash and ginger soup that Chandler made. If ever a food could coordinate with the pot its cooking in, this meal was it--you could find these colors blending all over the trees that are just barely starting to change color in Charleston. The soup was so rich and filling that we didn't even need to eat anything else with it.
Then, for dessert, I made a rustic Granny Smith apple tart that can be found
here on
The recipe was simple and delicious, and I think it turned out well.

The best part of the recipe is the simple apple syrup made with the cores of the apples. It can be drizzled over the top and provides just the right amount of sweetness to complement the tartness of the apples.
Let me know if you try it!